An ASTM F15.18 task group on low standing bassinets September 20 worked on the details of a possible test as an alternate to side-height requirements. The goal is to ensure infants would not roll out of the products. Manufacturers that do not want to create side heights at least 7.5 inches would need to conduct an inclined surface test with a cylinder. Failure would be the product not keeping the cylinder inside or its sides breaking.
Much of the discussion during the teleconference was on the proper length for the cylinder. Initially, members heard ideas for 12, 9.8, and 7.9 inches. But concern existed about accommodating smaller units intended for newborns. Ultimately, the panel opted to support a 6-inch cylinder as that already is readily available in the U.S. and should work with existing designs.
The group likely will do a round of testing to see if the protocol is good and to understand how it might affect existing products. Three members offered samples for this. However, the panel also decided to present the idea to the full subcommittee first to make sure everyone agrees with it before and to possibly get other samples. A test lab member of the group, who offered to review the test method, suggested that five different models would be best.
Involved is F2194, Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Bassinets and Cradles, and the group also discussed numerous language tweaks for that document.