The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) said it is conducting two REACH enforcement projects during 2021.
It expects results for the first "towards the end of 2022." The target will whether substances of very high concern (SVHCs) are on the EU market with proper REACH authorizations. All 30 EU and EEA nations will participate, and ECHA explained that customs officials and regulators will "also check whether uses of these substances comply with the conditions set in the authorisation decisions."
Results of the second are expected a bit earlier – around summer 2022. It is a pilot project to look at the interaction between REACH and EU waste laws. ECHA explained:
"It focuses on the exemption that the recycling sector has from registering substances that they have recovered from waste. The project targets recovered substances that fulfil the end-of-waste status… The main aim is to check compliance with REACH registration for substances recovered from waste but also to improve enforcement authorities’ knowledge about exemptions for the waste treatment industry and raise awareness among waste operators about REACH duties."