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Monday June 07, 2021

Range of Stakeholders Jointly Call for Big Boost to CPSC Funds

A group of 24 CPSC stakeholders – from varying interests that sometimes are at odds – June 2 wrote to Congress saying the agency is "significantly underfunded." Noting that they "have differences of opinion as it relates to the workings of and statutory provisions relevant to the CPSC," they asserted that they "nonetheless strongly and uniformly agree on the need for an effective and functioning agency."


Although the letter did not include a specific funding target, it explained:

"Based on our collective experiences interacting with the staff and leadership of the CPSC – for whom we have great respect – it is clear that a substantial increase in funding is needed for an expansion of personnel to ensure the agency can effectively and efficiently serve out its mission. This is in addition to many programmatic and technological needs that separately require a funding increase. Our organizations have supported such increases to CPSC funding for years but have not done so in a coordinated effort. In an attempt to increase the urgency behind this issue, we are hopeful that this letter, representing a large swath of the universe of CPSC stakeholders, makes clear that there should be widespread and bipartisan congressional support for a properly resourced and staffed CPSC."

The organizations are American Apparel & Footwear Association, American Chemistry Council, American Cleaning Institute, American Home Furnishings Alliance, Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, Consumer Federation of America (CFA), Consumer Reports, Earthjustice, Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association, Kids In Danger (KID), National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), National Center for Health Research, National Consumers League, National Retail Federation, Natural Resources Defense Council, Parents Against Tip-overs, Public Citizen, Public Interest Research Group, Retail Industry Leaders Association, Society of Glass and Ceramic Decorated Products, TIC Council, The Power Tool Institute, and The Toy Association.


Spearheading development of the letter were Nancy Cowles of KID, Matt Howsare of Cooley, Graham Owens of NAM, and Rachel Weintraub of CFA.


The letter went to the chairs and ranking members of the Senate and House appropriations committees as well as to those panels' financial services and general government subcommittees, which deal with CPSC funding matters.