APRIL 21, 2014



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Whether an April 16 appeals court ruling means the plaintiff in Company Doe v. Tenenbaum (now Company Doe v. Public Citizen) soon will be unmasked could depend on the firm’s next steps.

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The churn of motions and filings continues surrounding CPSC’s attempt to compel recalls of magnetic amusement devices.

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Electrical fires in residential buildings caused about 280 deaths per year from 2009 to 2011 according to an April 8 report from the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA).

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The fiscal 2014-2018 strategic plan of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), available April 10, included attention to lead in children and to endocrine disruptors.

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A technical advisory group for the Z21/CSA panel on unvented gas-fired warm air heaters April 15 discussed issues related to 1) revisions to the Z21.11.3 surface temperature test; 2) an update on the development of a draft standard for selector devices; and 3) addition of protective barriers coverage for unvented fireplaces.

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An ASTM pool drain task group working to improve standard tests for drain entrapment is seeking approval from an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) before moving forward with a testing protocol involving the use of pig skin.

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Jake’s Fireworks April 11 sought clarification on the role of the American Fireworks Standards Laboratory (AFSL) from CPSC Acting Chairman Robert Adler.

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Green Science Policy Institute and IKEA April 15 urged CPSC action on upholstered furniture smoldering rules in separate meetings with Commissioner Anne Marie Buerkle’s staff and Commissioner Marietta Robinson.

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Country of origin labeling, the precautionary principle, and penalties were among the subjects of the more-than 200 amendments adopted April 15 by the European Parliament on the in-the-works changes to the EU’s product-safety and market-surveillance requirements.

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Product safety activity on the international level was one of the areas highlighted by DG Sanco in the consumer safety section of its recent Report on Consumer Policy, which covers its work from calendar 2012 and 2013.

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Mandatory safety labeling for clothing and textile products is one of the topics covered in a suppliers guide made available in April by the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC).

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The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission April 15 used consumers’ increased leisure time during the Easter season as a reason to reiterate its ATV warnings.

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The Washington State Department of Ecology April 14 said its testing in five areas generally found compliance of toys and children’s products with the Children’s Safe Products Act (CPSA), but with numerous violations.

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Briefs on dangerous products, CPSC policy, infant inclined sleep products, product life cycles, car seats, building material, and more.

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Briefs on scooters, burning tests, materials contamination, burglar alarms, carpet and upholstery, electric spas, and more.

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Briefs on consumer policy, skateboards, car seat adaptors, laptops, cribs, children’s clothing, and more.