MARCH 30, 2015



Product Safety Letter will not have an April 6, 2015 edition as part of its schedule of 48 issues per year. The next issue, Vol. 44, No. 14, will be dated April 13, 2015.

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CPSC Chairman Elliot Kaye March 25 told an on-phone gathering of reporters from national outlets that 6(b) is an “anti-consumer safety, anti-transparency” requirement.

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Questions CPSC wants answered were among the details explained by agency staff in a March 26 webinar on the planned pilot program for electronic filing of certificates.

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CPSC staff March 27, as PSL went to press, were slated to participate in a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) session about work on the Partner Government Agency (PGA) programs related to Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) functionality.

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An ASTM F15.70 task group March 19 addressed comments on performance testing for adult portable bed rails involving sharp edges, warnings and retention systems.

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An ASTM F15 task group looking at infant floor seats March 19 discussed issues related to a standard’s scope, incident data, testing procedures, and warning language.

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An ASTM 15.51 pool/spa drain gravity flow task group March 19 agreed to develop protocols for human testing hazards and to make design changes to the test apparatus.

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Commissioner Joseph Mohorovic March 19 discussed industry priorities, voluntary disclosure and educational initiatives with Consumer Specialty Products Association (CSPA).

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The ANSI/NEMA Z535 SC6 panel March 23 reviewed open proposals on Z535.6, Product Safety Information in Product Manuals, Instructions and other Collateral Materials.

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The sole comment on a petition that CPSC create mandatory rules for residential elevators supported such an action.

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The 2014 annual report for the European RAPEX system shows 2,435 reports for the year, 47 more than previously indicated.

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Health Canada received of 263 product safety incident reports in October to December 2014, it said March 20. Most, 56%, came from industry, with 44% from consumers.

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DG Santé March 25 began a series of three stakeholder meetings aimed at setting criteria for identifying endocrine disruptors.

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The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) March 23 reported some outcomes of work involving substances of very high concern (SVHCs) and REACH.

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The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) and Health Canada will hold webinars to educate stakeholders about product safety matters.

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Product safety is among the areas potentially being hurt by budgetary constraint, according to a March 21 report from the U.K. Trading Standards Institute (TSI).

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Four recommendations to improve child-passenger safety education were the results of a study report made available March 19 from NHTSA.

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Graco, for now, will pay only 30% of its $10 million reporting penalty to NHTSA, under the terms of the consent order announced March 20.

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Briefs on regulating regulations, Internet of Things, BPA, phthalates, clothing textiles, testing burdens, CPSC audits, testing burdens, window cords, poison, nanotechnology, sprinklers, and more.

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Briefs on building material, fire tests, laundry packets, mouth protectors, amusement rides, building materials, fire standards, toddler beds, burglar alarms, fire extinguishers, and more.

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Briefs on EMFs, power cables, repro-toxics, bicycles, educational supplies, eyewear, flashlights, lawn blowers, night lights, pool toys, and more.