OCTOBER 5, 2015



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CPSC September 30 made available a draft direct final rule (DFR) to clarify requirements at 16 CFR 1109 and 1500, respectively, related to component testing and lead in textiles.

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Commissioners were slated to cast ballot votes as PSL went to press on seeking comments on a September draft plan for reviews of existing rules.

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CPSC's Inspector General Office September 30 told the agency it needs to improve its Freedom of Information (FoIA) practices in three areas.

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Commissioners' ballot votes are due October 6 on publishing two notices of proposed rulemaking (NPRs) on Section 104 switches, each with changes from current voluntary standards.

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The bulk of discussion September 25 by a UL generator emission panel involved high interest in CPSC work on a dilution chamber to test engines.

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CPSC the week of October 5 will use International Babywearing Week as an opportunity for social media consumer education.

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CSPC October 1 gave a quick, online demo of its e-filing user interface software, as updated for the related pilot.

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Two recent CPSC contracts show some of the work that will go into updating its risk assessment methodology (RAM) for import surveillance.

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Two CPSC contracts signed in September are among the agency's attention to reducing incidents involving children strangulating in window covering cords.

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Recommendations for bicycle helmet certification standards were among results of a multi-national effort in Europe.

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The Court of Justice of the European Union September 10 settled an important debate on what should be treated as an "article" for the purposes of Articles 7(2) and 33 of the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation.

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An ASTM F15.16 working group on highchairs September 25 discussed warning statements/alert symbols and warning label formatting.

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An ASTM F15.20 task group on infant bather accessories September 30 confirmed team assignments and agreed on language related to accessory definition, compliance and marking/labeling requirements.

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An ASTM F15.18 task group on in-bed sleepers September 30 discussed scope, incident data and known hazards.

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CPSC Commissioner Ann Marie Buerkle and Chairman Elliot Kaye, September 29 and 30 respectively, gave their views on the agency's activities to the promotional products industry.

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Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) September 28 said its officials stressed counterfeiting at a recent anti-crime symposium in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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CPSC's plan for the now-averted government shutdown was to operate with 24 staffers.

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Briefs on COAC, play yards, ATVs, child passengers, fatal injuries, children's environment, laundry pods, GPRA, and more.

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Briefs on mouth protectors, paints, toys, airsoft, dishwashers, gates, enclosures, scooters, slicers, fire extinguishers, and more.

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Briefs on chemicals management, senior falls, play equipment, bicycle brakes, patio chairs, chamois, costumes, dishwashers, kiteboards, pacifier clips, pizza wheels, sandals, car seats, sandals, and more.