AUGUST 10, 2015


Product Safety Letter will not have an August 17, 2015 edition as part of its schedule of 48 issues per year. The next issue, Vol. 44, No. 31, will be dated August 24, 2015.

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CPSC members August 12 are slated for a decisional meeting on the proposal for a pilot project to test the agency’s handling of electronic filing of certificates of compliance.

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CPSC’s Office of General Counsel (OGC) and Division of Financial Management Services (FMFS) should take 13 steps to correct deficiencies in tracking civil penalty payments, said an August 4 memo by the agency’s Inspector General (IG) Office.

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Representatives of ExxonMobil July 31 briefed commissioners on their legal and scientific views of the phthalates report by the chronic hazards advisory committee (CHAP).

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Commissioners Robert Adler and Marietta Robinson August 4 discussed the current state of active injury mitigation systems (AIMS) for table saws and related legislation with the Powel Tool Institute (PTI).

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Commissioners are due to cast ballot votes by August 11 on seeking comments on a petition that requests bans of certain products with organohalogen flame retardants (FRs).

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CPSC Chairman Elliot Kaye August 5 launched an effort that seeks solutions to eight product-safety areas.

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The presentation and content of warnings for baby gates sparked discussion July 30 by an ASTM F15.16 panel that went into the general and broad concerns of industry about the challenges and difficulty in presenting warnings to consumers.

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A July 31 report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) aims to help designers of systems to alert drivers of children left unattended in car safety seats.

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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) July 30 promoted its agreement with a manufacturer to phase out trichloroethylene (TCE) in arts and crafts fixatives and a related Significant New Use Rule (SNUR).

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Health Canada is seeking comments by September 15 on window covering cords and possible revisions to its rules.

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Canada is seeking comment by September 30 on a proposal on how to approach cumulative risk assessments related to phthalates.

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CPSC, Health Canada, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and the Canadian Border Services Agency in July worked together in a joint exercise on import safety, according to CPB.

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The EU should take better surveillance action to protect against asbestos-containing products, according to a July 31 report from the European Economic and Social Committee.

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Oregon Governor Kate Brown (D) July 28 signed SB 478, known as the Toxic Free Kids Act.

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The Maine Department of Environmental Protection is seeking comments by August 28 on its updates to its Chemicals of High Concern (CHC) List.

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Briefs on liquid nicotine, REINS, registered agents, pool drains, wheelchairs, toys, computers, dishwashers, infant garments, boys jackets, pencil cases, and more.

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Briefs on elliptical trainers, foot protection, skis/snowboards, baseball faceguards, membrane switches, circular saws, fire extinguishers, lighting, electric screwdrivers, and more.

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Briefs on children’s products, insect repellant, children’s clothes, light-up figurines, meter boxes, children’s pajamas, infant rompers, sleep sacks, dishwashers, mowers, lawn tractors, and more.