JULY 7, 2014



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CPSC staff June 26 discussed updated warning label language for products containing methyl chloride with manufacturers during a meeting in Bethesda, Md.

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The UL task group looking at carbon monoxide (CO) risks from portable generators July 2 continued to explore two approaches to mitigating the hazard.

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An ASTM F15 task group July 2 opted to use qualitative analysis for determining child resistance within a proposed draft of a new voluntary standard to address the safety of liquid laundry packets.

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The ASTM F15.51 gravity flow task group June 26 decided to adopt live human body testing with wetsuits in order to simulate pool drain entrapment.

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Members of an ASTM working group looking at battery issues in F963, Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety, July 2 addressed negatives related to their ballot’s requirements.

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Members of the ASTM E05.15 furnishings and contents subcommittee June 26 discussed ballot results, outstanding negatives, standards requiring review, work withdrawal items and task group activity during a meeting in Toronto, Canada.

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A contradiction in a 2011 CPSC report on table saw data might be due to confusion by respondents about what types of saws or saw drives were in use at the times of injuries, according to a staff assessment made available in June.

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CPSC got special mention for its 19 interagency agreements for work on assessing the potential environmental health and safety (EHS) risks of nanotechnoology.

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On 16 June 2014, the European Association for Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (EuroSafe) launched the latest edition of Injuries in the European Union.

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The European Union is adopting the already existing voluntary 0.1mg/L migration limit on bisphenol A (BPA) in toys intended for children 3 years or younger or any meant to be placed in mouths.

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On 12 June 2014, The European Commission adopted decisions on standards developed by CEN, one of the European standardisation organisations.

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Electric toys and their components made of stainless steel as well as components intended to carry electric currents will be exempt from EU nickel limits that target carcinogenicity risks.

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The Washington State Department of Ecology June 25 said its tests of 125 consumer and children’s products indicate that manufacturers might be replacing banned flame retardants (FRs) with unregulated products.

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Briefs on compliance programs, certificates of compliance, CPSC priorities, carbon monoxide, CPSC service contracts, car seats, lead, gas fireplaces, electric pianos, fireworks, laptop computers, routers, snow throwers.

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Briefs on building material, fire tests, portable fuel containers, amusement rides, scooters, trampolines, alarm speakers, hose nozzles, electric door locks, electric sports equipment, and more.

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Briefs on small parts, REACH, work lights, tables, gas fireplaces, ladders, bicycles, and more.