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Monday June 07, 2021

NAM Seeks Open Process on Amazon Pledge Proposal

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The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) May 28 called for transparent consideration of Amazon's proposal to CPSC for a product safety pledge by online platforms. NAM said that any development of an agreement with the agency also should allow "input from all stakeholders."


The NAM letter asserted its members' commitment to product safety within "an effective, tailored regulatory regime." NAM thus summarized its position as:

"One key to such an effective regulatory regime is ensuring that all regulatory decisions made by federal agencies are based on sound science and a robust record developed with input from all stakeholders. It is critical that manufacturers, as well as all relevant stakeholders, have an opportunity to actively participate in the development and implementation by the CPSC of the Pledge or any similar agreement."

All four commissioners presumably have the letter. It is addressed to Acting Chairman Robert Adler but copies the other three. Amazon's proposal (PSL, 5/7/21) would include ideas like platforms serving as contact points for third-party sellers' recalls, notifying customers, issuing refunds, and others. It is modeled loosely on similar programs in the EU (PSL, 7/2/18) and Australia (PSL, 11/30/20).